Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Issues faced while upgrading Oracle Applications (E-Business Suite) from 11i to R12.2

 Issue# 12:

While applying patch# 7429271

ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:


                   FAILED: file admorgb.pls  on worker  1.


ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.



Worker log:

create or replace package body ad_morg as

/* $Header: admorgb.pls 115. ...


AD Worker error:

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 42100 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","PL/SQL MPCODE","BAMIMA: Bam Buffer")


Unable to process file in PACKAGE mode.


Not converting file for Invoker's Rights because it appears to

be a package body creation script (based on the filename).

  File is: /u03/dproappl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admorgb.pls


sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/u03/dproappl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admorgb.pls

create or replace package body ad_morg as


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 42100 bytes of shared memory ("shared

pool","unknown object","PL/SQL MPCODE","BAMIMA: Bam Buffer")


Time when worker failed: Wed Apr 12 2017 21:56:35



-          Stopped all workers > 3 > all

-          Stopped pending workers > 5 > remaining workers

-          Restart the database

-          Restart the patch

-          Restart failed worker

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