Which responsibilities assigned to which users:
- To get the list of users who assigned certain responsibility use the below query
SELECT furga.user_id
, fu.user_name
, furga.responsibility_id
, frtl.responsibility_name
, furga.responsibility_application_id
, fa.application_short_name
, furga.security_group_id
, fsg.security_group_key
, furga.start_date
, furga.end_date
, furga.created_by
, fucb.user_name
, furga.creation_date
, furga.last_updated_by
, fulub.user_name
, furga.last_update_date
, furga.last_update_login
, fulul.user_name
fnd_user_resp_groups_all furga,
fnd_user fu,
fnd_user fucb,
fnd_user fulub,
fnd_user fulul,
fnd_application fa,
fnd_responsibility_tl frtl,
fnd_security_groups fsg
upper(frtl.responsibility_name) like upper ('%&resp_name%')
and fu.end_date is null -- user is active
and furga.end_date is null -- responsibility not end dated for the user.
and furga.user_id = fu.user_id (+)
and furga.created_by = fucb.user_id (+)
and furga.last_updated_by = fulub.user_id (+)
and furga.last_update_login = fulul.user_id (+)
and furga.responsibility_application_id = fa.application_id (+)
and furga.responsibility_id = frtl.responsibility_id (+)
and furga.security_group_id = fsg.security_group_id (+)
ORDER BY start_date;
SELECT furga.user_id
, fu.user_name
, furga.responsibility_id
, frtl.responsibility_name
, furga.responsibility_application_id
, fa.application_short_name
, furga.security_group_id
, fsg.security_group_key
, furga.start_date
, furga.end_date
, furga.created_by
, fucb.user_name
, furga.creation_date
, furga.last_updated_by
, fulub.user_name
, furga.last_update_date
, furga.last_update_login
, fulul.user_name
fnd_user_resp_groups_all furga,
fnd_user fu,
fnd_user fucb,
fnd_user fulub,
fnd_user fulul,
fnd_application fa,
fnd_responsibility_tl frtl,
fnd_security_groups fsg
upper(frtl.responsibility_name) like upper ('%&resp_name%')
and fu.end_date is null -- user is active
and furga.end_date is null -- responsibility not end dated for the user.
and furga.user_id = fu.user_id (+)
and furga.created_by = fucb.user_id (+)
and furga.last_updated_by = fulub.user_id (+)
and furga.last_update_login = fulul.user_id (+)
and furga.responsibility_application_id = fa.application_id (+)
and furga.responsibility_id = frtl.responsibility_id (+)
and furga.security_group_id = fsg.security_group_id (+)
ORDER BY start_date;
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