Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to change Oracle applications 11i/R12passwords using FNDCPASS:

Based on Note:159244.1

NOTE 1: FNDCPASS should be run from the database tier to prevent encryption issues.

- Issue the commands at the Unix command line similar to the following:
    >> To change the APPS and APPLSYS passwords:
    FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS <new password>
    Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS NEWPASSWORD

>> Restart Concurrent manager services.

NOTE 2: Changing the APPLSYS password automatically changes the APPS password to match as these two must always agree.

    >> To change an Oracle user password:
    FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE <oracle user> <new
    Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GLPASSWORD

NOTE 3: Altering the ORACLE User name (schemas) passwords with FNDCPASS without first updating the APPS/APPLSYS password with FNDCPASS will cause the ORACLE User password to be undecodable by Applications.
Use FNDCPASS to "refresh" the APPS/APPLSYS password, even if it is to the same value.

    >> To change an application user password:
    FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER  <username>  <password>
    Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER   VISION  WELCOME

When changing the password for APPS it is important to manually change the APPS
password in the following files as well as necessary:

1. $ORACLE_HOME/listener/cfg/ file as well. (Otherwise users will not
be able to login to the Personal Home Page or Self-service web apps.) This may also be necessary in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME\Apache\modplsql\cfg\ file
2. Workflow Notification Mailer - $FND_TOP/resource/wfmail.cfg

3. The concurrrent manager start script.

4. $OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfg

5. $AD_TOP/admin/template/CGIcmd.dat may contain the password if it is being
(Please refer to Note 159033.1 How to Setup Oracle Reports in Portal to Use

6. If your instance is Multi-node and Autoconfig enabled, it may be necessary to invoke Autoconfig to implement the above changes.


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